Vacuum Heat Treatment
- Prevents surface reactions such as oxidation and decarburisation of work pieces
- Removes surface contaminants such as oxide films and residual traces of lubricants resulting from fabricating operations
- Retains surface finish
- Uniform heating
- Minimal distortion of treated work
- Wide range of Programmable heating and cooling rates
- Fully automatic processing
Heat Treatment Process:
- Through hardening for tool & die steels, machinery steels, plastic mould steels and high speed steels
- Annealing
- Stress relieving
- Tempering
- Age / precipitation hardening of non-ferrous materials
- Age / precipitation hardening of maraging steel
- Hardening of martensitic stainless steel
- Solution treatment

Gas Fired Furnace Heat Treatment
- Wide range of programmable heating and cooling rates
- Big heating chamber
- Quenching mediums include water and polymer
- Suitable for wide range of material grades
Heat Treatment Processes:
- Harden and temper
- Tempering
- Stress relieving
- Annealing
- Normalising
- Age / precipitation hardening of non-ferrous materials

Controlled Atmosphere Furnace
- Prevents surface reactions such as oxidation and decarburisation of work pieces
- Controlled atmosphere with carbon potential measurement
- Uniform heating
- Direct quenching with minimal exposure to atmosphere
- Wide range of programmable heating and cooling rates
- Automatic in-line of quench capability
Heat Treatment Process:
- Through hardening for tool & die steels, machinery steels
- Carburising
- Carbonitriding

Plasma Nitriding
- Increase hardness and wear resistance of metal and alloys
- Low treatment temperature minimal distortion
- Capable of treating parts of stainless steel without predepassivation process
Heat Treatment Process:
- Plasma nitriding
- Plasma Nitro-carburising